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week off 意味

"week off"の例文


  • 1週間休暇


  • anyway , sakamakun , can you take a week off ?
    とにかく 坂間君n1週間ほど休んでくれる?
  • you should hire him , finch , take the week off .
    君は彼を雇うべきだ フィンチ 1週間休みを取れ
  • my boss gave me a week off for the fall vacation .
    ボスが一週間 秋休みをくれたの
  • this whole week on , week off schedule is driving me crazy .
  • this whole week on , week off schedule is driving me crazy .
  • i understand if you want to take the week off .
    休みを取りたいか 分かってる
  • that's none of your business ! have a nice week off .
    余計なお世話です! 1週間 どうぞ ごゆっくり。
  • my achilles i'm tapering . i got to take this week off
    「あぁアキレス腱が痛い 弱ってるな 今週は休もう」とか
  • well , have a week off and come back .
    一週間休んで 戻って来てよ
  • i didn't give you a week off !
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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